Sunday, February 5, 2012

Top Ten Math Tips For Parents

Top Ten Math Tips For Parents-S.A.T Test

Math can be a difficult field for many students. Most children loose interest in mathematics, naturally because they think it's too hard. Parents and teachers may find it difficult to motivate their students to faultless their math assignments. Here are some suggestions to help your students in solving their math problems and overcome their fears:

S.A.T Test

1. Encourage Them!

You can improve your children's studying quality by providing them a clear environment. Many teachers often forget to encourage the efforts of their students. Children should be appreciated when they correctly solve their math problems. Teachers should mark their assignments, leniently. They are advised to keep their tone and attitude positive, since children can assuredly pick up signs of negativity.

2. Result up on Homework

Teachers must ensure that children understand their homework. If the students are facing problems then the teachers should properly interpret the assignment to them. Children will feel easy once they know what they have to do. Teachers can supplementary sustain by guiding them on what they should do the difficult parts. They should be able to judge the students response: do they understood the question or not? Children must be provided supplementary aid if they need it. Parents need to monitor the enlarge of their children to make sure that they are doing fine. They should encourage them for their good performance.

3. Demonstrate the use of Math

Parents can also use real life examples to teach math to their children. School going children can learn a lot from every day examples. naturally ask them to reckon the money you have to pay for tickets, next time you go out to the movies. Try multiplying the whole of cars of two dissimilar colors.

4. Real Life Math

Explain to your children how they can use math to solve their problems. They should understand that math is not about using straightforward arithmetic skills like increasing and subtraction; it is much more than that. Children can use their mathematics skills to solve every day problems. They can find out how many pieces of pizza you need to cut so that it can be shared in your family. Just go beyond the daily assignments and let your children recognize the real world problems to improve their mathematics. This will show them the true value of math in their lives.

5. Get them to talk!

Encourage your kids to talk. Tell your child to solve their math problems by talking about the precise steps. This will allow you to monitor what he or she is thinking. You can detect the question areas while your child is talking his way straight through the steps.

6. Every person loves money.

You should teach your children money skills. Your kids can use fractions and percentages to find out how much savings they have made on a single purchase. For example if your children went to a movie that costs and they have saved , so in terms of fractions they have saved 1/3 of the whole or 33%

7. Telling Time

Teach your children how to tell the precise time. Use digital and analog clocks for this purpose. You can talk with them about, seconds, minutes, hours and days.

8. Make Math Games

Learning mathematics should be a fun action for your children. You can concentrate math with assorted games to make it exciting for your children. Other effective methods of teaching involve use of flash cards that test the child's math skills to help him get best in mathematics.

9. Use Computers

You can increase your child's studying speed by using computers and assorted educational software. Today's children are much more well-known with computers than their parents were at the same age. There are many computer games that involve the use of math skills. Senior students may be concerned to learn about spreadsheets and calendars to improve their mathematics.

10. Talk to Teachers

Parents and Teachers should review with each other on a frequent basis. They should sustain the students in studying the proper mathematics skills. Parents can play an critical role in enhancing their children's operation by ordinarily communicating with the teachers. They can work with the teachers to solve their children's problems.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Saturday, February 4, 2012

How to Read Body Language - Top 10 Tips

How to Read Body Language - Top 10 Tips-Practice Test

Interested in learning how to read body language? Would you like to be able to tell when population are lying and understand people's intentions? This report will supply you with the top 10 tips for reading body language.

Practice Test

I feel Body Language is the most leading language you can learn. It bypasses the verbal transportation barriers and gives you an comprehension into what others might be thinking, or what actions they are likely to take.

Remember that the art of being able to read body language is to be able to look at some one, pick up the signals, and at the same time not let on to that someone you are doing this. If you do the someone will come to be uncomfortable.

Tip 1. - Eyes

Dilated pupils - the someone is concerned in the topic.

People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. They can tell so much information about the someone if you know what you are seeing for. As in most situations, the same signal can be interpreted in a separate way. It depends entirely on the circumstances at hand. The example above could also mean that the someone is on drugs, or it could mean that they are focused.

Tip 2. - Hands

Open palm.- the someone is relaxed and comfortable.

The hands have many expressions and are a good place to start when learning how to read body language. Generally when some ones hands are open it means that their defenses are relaxed.

Tip 3 - Mimicking

When you are talking to someone, if they are mimicking your body position and activity it means that they are comfortable in the situation and most likely concerned by you and what you are saying.

Tip 4 - Eyes

If someone's eyes are gazing to the side it is a trait that they are feeling guilty. Likewise if they are gazing down this express's shame. Remember the eyes have so many meanings and it's easy to make the wrong evaluation. Practice makes perfect.

Tip 5 - Arms

The main two expressions with arms is that they are whether terminated (folded) or open. When folded the someone is possibly angry or disapproving. When their arms are open the someone is in an honest position and is accepting of the situation.

Tip 6 - Rubbing of the Chin

If someone is rubbing their chin it Generally means that they are thinking.

Tip 7 - Feet

When you are in conversation with someone you can tell if they are comfortable and concerned by what you are saying by their feet position. When standing opposite one other the other persons feet are facing in your direction. This means that they are comfortable and their head and eyes will also be focused on you.

When standing opposite someone their feet are pointing away and their head and eyes are not focused on you. They will most likely be nodding and agreeing with a fake smile. This means that the someone n demand is not concerned and might even feel uncomfortable in the situation.

Tip 8 - Legs

When stood up Legs are a good indicator of how determined someone is. If someone is standing with their legs shoulder width apart they are relaxed. If they are standing with a stance wider than that they are a determined and are in a grounded position to show they are in control.

When stood up with legs crossed the someone is probably shy.

When sitting down if the legs are crossed it shows the someone is in protective mode. This is very much used alongside crossed arm action.

If the legs are open when the someone is seated then they are in a relaxed position. The same as when standing.

Tip 9 - Fingers

Fingers can create many gestures and are great for reading body language. A pointing finger can whether be someone pointing to a item or place, it can also indicate anger. If someone is curling their fingers tightly they are commonly pleading for some thing.

Drumming or tapping with the fingers indicates frustration. The faster the beating, the greater the disappointment and tension inside the person.

Tip 10 - Eyebrows

The eyebrows have many uses. Listed below are some examples. When the eye brows are raised, commonly the someone is shocked or surprised. The greater the surprise the more raised they will be. When someone flicks their eye brow up and down swiftly they are greeting someone else or are showing they have acknowledged them.

I hope you have enjoyed learning how to read body language tips. Remember reading body language is not a skill that can be learned over night. The more you practice the easier it will come to be and the more subtle you will be able to do it.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happiness according to Aristotle and Immanuel Kant

Happiness according to Aristotle and Immanuel Kant-Practice Test

We are taught at a very young age that we are to seek out happiness, yet no one authentically knows what that is. When you are a child, happiness could be found by playing with toys, and schoolmates. When we are children, our view of happiness is minimal. As years passed, our view of happiness becomes much more expansive. We are schooled to think that if we succeed at something, whether it is at a career, college or in relationships, we are seeking to be happy. Some people seek out happiness straight through religion, or a spiritual leader, "Whoso trusteth in the Lord is happy" (Proverbs 4:7). It seems that everyone has their own idea as to what makes them happy. It becomes ingrained in us that seeking happiness is the point of our existence. To find happiness, then we will be living a faultless life. What makes happiness, or good yet, where happiness exists is a request that has been pondered by many great thinkers. Aristotle and Immanuel Kant had quite a bit to say on the subject. Both of these customary philosophers have a road map, if you will, to happiness. Yet, their theories differ ultimately in how to go about attaining happiness.

Practice Test

Aristotle wrote that we choose happiness all the time for itself, and never for the sake of something else. He believed happiness to be the end, and it is self-sufficient. It is the end at which all-virtuous actions aim. It must be some good, or set of goods that in itself makes it worth living. There are two features Aristotle believes must be present in the view of happiness. One is that it must be an end rather than a means. For example, I find out that by being cheerful I make money, so I go about making money by having a cheerful disposition. Ultimately, my aim is to make money, so agreeing to Aristotle, my happiness is to be found in riches. Because I found out that by being cheerful (which is not the same as being happy) I could make money, I adopt the attitude that by being cheerful I can attain riches. Aristotle disagrees with that because my extreme goal it to get riches, it is not to be happy.

The second is that happiness is self adequate in itself. It is to be sought only for itself, and not for the sake of anything else. Aristotle specifically mentions the life of gratification (pleasure, comfort, etc.), the life of moneymaking, the life of political action, and the philosophical life, i.e., the life of contemplation or study. He has no patience with the life of moneymaking or the life of gratification. Yet, Aristotle does agree that living a life of comfort is pleasurable.

He also writes that it is only straight through the virtues that happiness can ever be experienced. Virtues are habits of the soul by which one acts well, i.e. For the sake of what is fine and noble. As Aristotle puts it, virtuous actions express definite (right) reason. They are acquired straight through practice and habituation. One becomes virtuous by acting virtuously, i.e. By acting as the virtuous person acts, doing what one should when one should and in the way, one should. The virtuous person comes to take delight in acting virtuously (hence, one sign that we have not acquired a positive virtue is that when we accomplish actions of the sort related with that virtue; we do not take delight in those actions but instead find them burdensome). Similarly, one becomes deficient by allowing positive defective ways of acting to become habitual. A person can collect bad, as well as good habits. Virtue is difficult to attain, since if we plainly succeed our inclinations, we fail to comprehend our potential. Even though we have a natural desire for happiness, our inborn inclinations often lead us away from our true happiness. Some never accomplish virtuous activity, and only pursue what immediately feels good. Self-gratification should not be the direct target of our actions. It is impossible to attain happiness without pursuing what is good and true. Intellectual and moral virtues are necessary, and must be habitual. There are rules about what is virtuous and what is not. everyone is capable of being virtuous, yet not everyone will be. Human beings are capable of learning, and straight through many years of faithful study, a virtuous being can reach a faultless and whole life.

A person is not born virtuous, although at the time of birth, a person is born with the senses. It is not until many years of learning, that a human learns how to utilize these senses. It is foremost to note, that it takes time to learn, and mature to be able to establish virtue. For example, a child because of its young age has not experienced the needful needed lessons that life teaches to be virtuous.

Aristotle wrote that a life of pleasure, a life of politics, and a life of study were needful to a faultless and whole life. Living a faultless life involves these goals. Living your goals in accordance with virtue is how to attain happiness. In other words, we have a accountability to do what is worth doing, as well as doing what we are good at doing. This will lead to the supreme good, which is the end, which is happiness. For example, the race of wealth was ruled out because money is only as good as to what it can buy. It is how person spends their money that shows us where they authentically think happiness lies. Is it on luxury, or to gain political power, or possibly on spending it on the less fortunate? Those are what determine if a person is on the right road towards happiness.

According to Immanuel Kant, the road map towards happiness is not as black and white. Kant view that the means to happiness could not be clearly known. Kant believed there was too much ambiguity in defining personal happiness, thus making it unsuitable as a basis for morality. Kant holds that the race of a person's own happiness or interest is of no moral worth whatsoever. Kant insists that we can never determine whether an operation is good or right by considering its effects on one's happiness. He view that a human is incapable of thinking happiness to its principle. Happiness is indefinite, and although everyone wishes for happiness, he/she can never authentically know his/her true wishes and wills. Instead of searching for happiness, he found that the moral law constructed by think is what a person should be seeking. Kant believes this to be the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is any statement of moral obligation, which I make the principle of my operation (my "maxim" in Kant vocabulary). The categorical imperative refers to the principle that all ideas of our operation (maxims) could consistently become universal laws.

Happiness is both too indefinite, and to empirical to serve as grounds for moral obligation. No two people share the exact same tastes. Nor does everyone share the same interests and goals. Simply, what makes one person happy does not necessarily make an additional one person happy. Everyone's experiences are different; experience is needful to attain happiness. In other words, I cannot know that something will make me happy by just thinking of it. Kant says that it is not possible to know a priori before an operation whether it authentically will be conducive to our own happiness. The desire for our own happiness cannot serve as a motivator to determine our will to do this or that action. Our own desire to be happy cannot be fully known. Happiness is not good without qualification. agreeing to Kant, the only thing that is good without qualification is a good will.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo ,ดาราจัดฟัน

Friday, January 27, 2012

Right Brain, Left Brain

Right Brain, Left Brain-Practice Test

The right brain controls the left side of the body and the left brain controls the right side of the body. The right brain is the more creative or emotional hemisphere and the left brain is the analytical and judgmental hemisphere. whatever that is new or not well-known to an personel is right brain dominant. whatever that is well-known is left brain dominant.

Practice Test

Along with right and left brain there are separate parts of the brain. The frontal lobe controls your personality, the temporal lobe deals with short and long term memory, the parietal lobe is the lobe of the hand, and the occipital lobe, the very back part of the head, controls vision.

There are specific activities that may stimulate the right or left brain.

Activities that stimulate the left brain are solving crossword or word quest puzzles, operation of learned tasks, language usage, both ample and expressive, analytical information, problem solving, and recalling new information. Geometric or spatial memory, hand gestures, writing one's name, classifications of pictures or words into categories, recalling complex narratives, recognizing man you have met, and name recognition are also all left brain activities.

Activities that stimulate the right brain are emotional issues, the creative process, recalling memorized lists, any unfamiliar event or activity, and retention the attentiveness span. seeing or feeling separate sizes, seeing separate colors, attentiveness exercises consuming timing, seeing unfamiliar faces, and meeting man new also stimulate the right brain..

You are not dead until your brain is dead. Your brain needs two things to survive: fuel and activation. Fuel comes in the form of oxygen and glucose. Glucose comes from the food you eat, and oxygen comes from the air you breathe. The general inspiration/expiration ratio should be exhalation twice as long as inhalation. That is to say - breathe out twice as long as you breathe in.

There are also specific treatment modalities that a clinician may use to increase function or activation of the right or left brain. One example is big letters made up of small letters. If you look at the small letters you will fire right cerebellum to left brain. If you look at the big letters you will fire left cerebellum to right brain.

Auditory stimulation (listening to nature sounds, clicks of a metronome, or Mozart in a major key) in the left ear comes up through the brain stem over to the right brain and vice versa for the right ear.

Visual stimulation from the left side in a checkerboard pattern using separate colors comes up through the optic pathway to the brain stem and up to the right brain. The T.E.N.S. Unit set at subthreshold stimulates large diameter nerves which fire up to the cerebellum and to the opposite brain.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

4 Things You Can Do Immediately After Your First Date

4 Things You Can Do Immediately After Your First Date-S.A.T Test

The first date with a woman can be a nerve-wracking time. You've spent the past hour or so with her and you start to wonder 'what's the next step'?

S.A.T Test

So what should you do at this point?

Well your actions at this point should be based on how well the date went.

If you've had a great time, then you know you can try for someone else date.

On the other hand, if you two didn't click, then you should cut your losses and not try for a second date.

To give you an idea of what you should do, I've included four dissimilar outcomes that'll happen once your date has concluded.

When you're coming to the end of the date, you should do a quick evaluation and make a decision based on which of these four results you want.

Result #1: Go your separate ways

Let's be honest here...

There are going to be first dates where you don't hit it off with a woman.

Either there was no chemistry or your personalities don't mesh, it'll be sure the two of you won't going on a second date.

Once you realize it won't work, end the date and cut your losses!

Since the date was brief, you assuredly haven't wasted that much time or money. By ending the date quickly, you'll be able to avoid hurt feelings and will move on to the next woman.

So when you realize the date has gone badly, just end and tell her you have stuff to do.

But please be honest and don't promise to call her you're never planning on speaking to her again.

Result #2: You set up a second date

Many guys think a first date is only prosperous if you end up having sex. In my opinion, this is wrong!

There are a lot of times when you want to have a lot of fun on a first date, but don't want it to lead to sex. This is especially true if you're finding for a long-term relationship.

During your first date, you'll probably get an idea if there is chemistry between the two of you. At this point, you can try two things:

First you can recommend a 'venue change' (I'll cover this in the next section) and go on an immediate second date.

Or you can end the date if one of you has already made plans after the first date.

Now if one of you has to leave after the first date, I recommend you immediately set up a supervene up date.

Here's how to do it...

As you're ending the date, take something from the conversation and playfully turn it into concrete plans for landing that second date.

For instance if she expressed interest in a single type of music mention that you're checking out a band which is similar to her taste. Then ask if she wants to 'tag along' with you.

Or even now that you've broken the ice, you could go out to evening meal or promise her a home cooked meal. The point is one the first date has ending, immediately make plans for the second plan.

Result #3: Transition immediately to the second date

One technique many guys use at the end of a first date is to do a 'venue change'. This is where you leave the location of your first date and immediately go someone else place.

Since you're changing locations the woman will subconsciously think you've gone from the first date to a second date.

As I mentioned before, your first date should be real casual. But if you feel a lot of chemistry has been built, you can use a venue convert to continue the sure emotions and go someplace where the two of you'll get to know each other better.

The best way to do a venue convert is to plan it out before the first date. If things go well, you can casually mention you're planning on meeting some friends at this place and ask if she wants to 'tag along'.

If she agrees you should immediately leave the location of your first date and transition right into the second.

Result #4: Make things sexual

Regardless of either you've pulled a venue convert or just had a single date, there might be an chance to have sex with a woman on the first date.

Now before we proceed, I just want to mention that having sex on the first date is an event that doesn't happen very often, especially if you're trying to build a relationship. So don't be too disappointed if it doesn't happen.

On the other hand, if you're considered to have sex then you should first find out
if she is curious in you in a sexual way. The best way to conclude this is to kiss her. What I like to do is use 'The Kiss Test' from the double Your Dating system.

If you conclude she wants to make things more intimate, you can try going back to one your places. Then once you're in private, you can allow nature to take its course and let the rest of the evening evolve...

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo

Sunday, January 22, 2012

adolescent reproduction - Real-Life Stories On adolescent reproduction

adolescent reproduction - Real-Life Stories On adolescent reproduction-S.A.T Test

When an expectant teenager surfs online, reads a magazine, or glances at a leaflet at a clinic, she will find it very encouraging to know she is not alone in facing this nightmare. Tales on teen pregnancies are a form of consolation and reassurance to expectant teens; they count on these tales for advice, fortitude, and support.

S.A.T Test

For instance, girls can inspect tales on teen gravidity that recount the shock that a teenager goes through on coming to learn of her pregnancy. One story narrates how an teenage was plainly dazed when the home gravidity test revealed two pink lines. The following couple of weeks were full of widely fluctuating thoughts about her pregnancy. What she knew about teenage unwed mothers, were awful. She was aware of how she understanding of young girls she knew that got themselves pregnant and she assuredly did not want to be understanding of like that.

Tales on teen gravidity can impart to young girls, the way in which teenage mothers put with the way community perceives them. Another tale narrates that as the teenager progressed added into her pregnancy, and later as son was slowly growing, the gaping and gawking did not ruffle her as much as before and people would tell her that she was not old sufficient to be her son's mother. However, when she spoke with people, they would all the time desist by stating that she was nothing like the other teenagers who became pregnant.

Well, she was quite dissimilar from them since she attended a decent school, lived by herself, ensured that things worked out with her partner, looked after her kid, and discharged her duties, balanced three jobs, and she had her hereafter mapped out. To some extent, she understanding they were right. She did all things inherent for her kid and she and visuals of young motherhood that community exhibits for everyone to see were very dissimilar.

By reading this tale, a teenage mom, can draw inspiration and the strength from the knowledge that if she decided to keep hold of the baby, she can survive and continue with her life.

Alternatively, teens can also find out about how unaware other adolescents were during their pregnancies, and, hence can learn to be good ready to deal with the pregnancy. As one teenager describes that, she did not realize that she had every right to plan for her baby and should have asked for it be accepted. Although she was aware of birth plans she did not appreciate that it could be connected to her as well. At that point of time, she felt as if she hardly had any right to have the baby and so how could anyone expect her to plan for its arrival.

By browsing through teenage gravidity stories, girls can realize that all teenage mothers are equally scared. One teenager says that she just was seated at her desk, fifteen years of age, and flunking in class, pregnant, ill, and petrified. She plainly sat there, slowly massaging her flat abdomen and gritting her jaws to avoid throwing up.

Often, a teenager is all on her own, estranged from her family and friends due to her condition. By reading up on teen gravidity stories, where nameless faceless characters suddenly spring to life and with whom she can empathize, the pregnant teenager can lead a life less solitary.

Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo

Saturday, January 21, 2012

What Are Factors Affecting Personality?

The two factors that affect personality is environment and heredity.

Nature vs Nurture

Scientists have argued for many years what is the factor that shape us, is it our genes? Or is it our environment? The straightforward reply is both. Fantasize Johnny and Blake who's parents are both mathematical genuinenesses who unfortunately died in a car accident. John and Blake are twins but were separated at birth Johnny was taken by a doctor and Blake was stolen and raised by hardened criminals accustomed to violence in a daily basis. Johny how ever was raised in a formal way with a loving, peaceful and caring society and supportive parents as his environment. Among the two who is most likely to do a crime as an adult?

Blake of policy having a violent environment growing up. But there is a opportunity that both men will be good at mathematics since there parents are great at it, its called aptitude. I'll elucidate about it later.

The heredity factor

When we are conceived we are given 24 chromosomes carried by the sperm (male) and it pairs up with 24 from ovum (female) development a new private with 48 chromosomes each one different, containing dissimilar data about us this explains why we have our mother's nose or our father's hair. The chromosomes are the vessels that consist of our parents genetic make up passed on to us. But of policy there is what we call genetic gap where a trait is not passed directly to the children but to the next generation the grandchildren or even the next. That explains why some of us look like our grandparents and not our parents.

Aptitude and Ability

Aptitude is a pattern of traits needed for studying a task. Potential is to execute what you have learned. Aptitude is inherited Potential is acquired. Let's say you are good in basketball. Can you say your children will be good at it? No, aptitude will be passed on(like Blake and Johny being good in Mathematics) not your skills as a basketball player although aptitude can be inherited to learn the task they can not inherit the Potential to do a slam dunk it would take some time and practice.

Environment Factor

A child's behavior is also learned from environment the things and the people around the child. At birth, the new born has no insight of the world around him. He has to learn to learn to walk, eat, talk and act like others which is socially accepted. The people he would be interacting with will play a big role in molding his personality since it will determine the Good and the Bad in him. For example is stealing bad or good? It will depend on the society he lives at weather or not it is socially acceptable.

By 5 years old we already have an idea of who we are I'm nice, I'm cute, I'm naughty, people like me when I smile etc... We already have an idea of who we are. While this crucial stage the primary group which are our family, playmates and neighbors they are the ones we have face to face touch with the second groups are the ones later on in life like School, classmates and new peers.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Car Driver Interview Questions

A person who drives a particular vehicle is a driver. The job of all the drivers is quite difficult. A car driver is responsible for driving all types of cars. Driving is not at all easy. You really need to work hard to become a good driver. A good driver should be an absolute professional in driving and he should also have a driving license. It is very important for a person of this field to have a valid driving license.

Now, given below are some of the best interview questions that you might be asked during a car driver interview. Suitable answers are also given below:

1. Tell us about some of the tasks you had to perform in your previous job?

Well, previously I worked as a personal car driver. I was responsible for several tasks there. Besides driving, I also had to wash the car and park it in the garage. I was also responsible for the entire servicing of the car on monthly basis. I can proudly say that I am a complete professional in my work approach.

2. Tell us about your qualities as a driver?

I am a very reliable car driver who is responsible enough to work efficiently under all types of circumstances. I am a very secure driver who is even ready to work during odd hours. I have a valid driving license that is quite essential to have in this field. There is nothing which can stop me from working efficiently. I also have the necessary technical and mechanical knowledge when it comes to car repair. Therefore, I really feel that I could benefit you in the long run. So, please do consider me for this post.

3. How is your track record as a car driver?

You need to handle this question properly. Tell them whatever is true. You could say that there have been a number of situations when your driving skills have been severely tested but you have come out as a winner. Tell them that you have a clean track record as a driver.

These are some of the most frequently asked car driver interview questions. Make sure you prepare well for all such types of questions.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Standardized Testing deliberate upon

The standardized testing debate is ongoing. Teachers teaching to the state test is lowly nowadays. Although test scores may be improved, it is what is not tested that is excluded from chapter plans, despite its importance. Every year children are required to take end of level testing in order to move to the next grade. The No Child Left Behind law focuses on helping children to move to the next level of studying if they pass the test. Part of the standardized testing debate is that the test is designed to take studying from the whole school year and to rate how the students are performing. Unfortunately because these tests are being used to rate schools, many teachers have changed their teaching styles and they are now "teaching to the state test."

The standardized testing debate concerns parents and educators who feel that teaching to the state test is a bad practice. However, there are a lot of teachers that will still teach this way in order to prevent their students from failing the test and to ensure the school maintains a high reputation. Teaching to the test often leads to meaningless test scores in some opinions while others say that students are not undoubtedly studying and this teaching recipe undoubtedly has a poor supervene on children.

There is pressure for teaching to the state test because the standardized tests are used to see if the students have learned sufficient at their level in order to move up. This pressure is part of the standardized testing debate The test can help to identify if there are problems like studying disabilities and it also aids teachers in creating great curriculum's. Any way because teaching to the test often focuses on math and reading, many students aren't studying about collective studies, which is prominent to the standardized testing debate. collective studies is how a pupil will understand what the economy is all about. This particular branch focuses on the stock market, other cultures, and many other things that help children to become great citizens and to understand the world in which they live.

While some students will not have an impact from this teaching style, studies do show that low-income and minority-group students will suffer the most. These students often struggle in society to find a job or move onto secondary instruction as they have not been given a well-rounded education. These teaching methods are a key component to the standardized testing debate because it may cause students to fall behind their peers, being in case,granted a "dummied-down" curriculum. Their fellow students on the other hand are given special privileges and often get put in "satellite" programs which helps them to read, investigate, think, and explore the world nearby them and improve rapidly in their instruction where they are premium for college scholarships.

The standardized testing debate concerns balancing accountability with fostering less tangible and testable qualities that are nevertheless quite crucial to society and education. Raising test scores and teaching to the state test has become such a pressure on educators that some are cheating to get their students to pass. This is one of the negative components of the standardized testing debate. Schools will change their curriculum and many of will use teaching to the test to simply drill article into the heads of the students. Teachers may narrow the curriculum to help students memorize inescapable facts instead of providing a well-rounded education. Any way there is other side of teaching to the test and the standardized testing debate. This side is used simply to help students see the format of the test so they are not as nervous about where they place their answers. In other words, such approaches answer the importance of the standardized test by focusing on key organizational and procedural components, without allowing it to dominate instruction.

Is the United States manufacture the right decision to focus teaching to the state test standardized testing? This is debatable as United States is undoubtedly the only economically advanced country to use such state tests. Other countries use execution estimate methods that help to see their children's real-work and many tests have been done to show that these students can undoubtedly outscore United States students.

Fifth Grade Science Projects That Rock

A Fifth Grade Science task can be one of the most fun school projects that a parent and child can do together. Here are some really good science task ideas that our family has done. The projects are easy to do, yet they meet the requirements of most science fairs and most fifth grade teachers. Check out the ideas, and find out how to get step by step instructions at the end of this article.

These are investigative science projects, which involve a science experiment:

o Does the shape of ice work on melting time? Use the same whole of water, place into different shaped containers and freeze. Then see how much time each piece of ice takes to melt.

o Which toilet tissue is most biodegradable? Take samples of different types of toilet tissue, and soak them until they fall apart. Run the samples straight through a strainer, and see which sample leaves the most paper undissolved.

o Which citrus fruit has the most Vitamin C? Make an indicator clarification with iodine and starch (it's Easy to do!), and test samples of citrus fruit or juice to see which one has the most vitamin C.

o Which brand cereal stays crunchy longest? Weigh different brands of the same cereal, soak in water, and then weigh again to see which one absorbed more water.

These are demonstration science projects - when your trainer wants you to demonstrate a scientific principle to the class.

o Demonstrate that yeast gives of gas. Place a yeast and sugar clarification into a bottle, put a balloon on top, and watch the yeast give off gas so that the balloon blows up!

o Demonstrate how static electricity works. Make a ball of aluminum foil dance between your finger and a pie plate. Watch this one on

o Demonstrate how chemical reactions can be sped up. Put alka seltzer into a cup, and watch it fiz. Then do it again with crushed alka seltzer, someone else time with warm water, and yet someone else time with Two alka seltzers.

We've done all of these science projects with our four boys, and they are fast, affordable, and easy to make on your own. We also supply illustrated, step by step instructions on these projects at our website! anyone you do, remember, fifth grade science projects really can be fun and a studying contact at the same time. So grab your slide rule and your test tubes, and get started on your task now!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What To Say To A Girl That Gets Results

When you walk up to girl do not start the conversation by saying my name is such and such what is yours. That is way too personal to begin with. You commonly speaking want to ask a inquire relative to your surroundings that are impersonal.

Then based on the reply you get to move on from there. An example would be, what time does this show end? By the way never start with the question, "Do you come here often"? That is the crappiest line ever.

In some cases you may want to inject a slight humor. Girls love to have a laugh especially when they are out winding down form a tough day. They like a guy who is spontaneous and who can start a conversation without immediately request personal questions.

So firstly the key to getting results starts with not being personal. Secondly maybe poke a slight fun at yourself. Get them to relax and most importantly relax yourself.

Your goal is to build rapport. When you build rapport girls will come to be comfortable around you and as a consequent you can start to get a feel of where they are arrival from and find opportunity wedges for conversation.

You need to learn the fundamentals and build on your successes. Once you get the fundamentals right you can then get a slight more advanced. The truth is this you will need to get comfortable with talking with strangers.

I agree this is tough at first but as you do it more it begins to get easier. So when you are out and about look for things that are going on around you that you can talk about especially if they will spark enthusiastic conversation. This will get you results without getting shot down.

Have you ever been in a position where you wished you knew what a girl is thinking? If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then settle on one of the following links..

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What Is A wholesome Eating Schedule?

It all the time happens. You get to about 4 in the afternoon and suddenly you are reasoning "What should I fix for evening meal tonight?" At that point, the understanding of literally preparing a meal all seems a bit overwhelming. It's no wonder that the fast food restaurants and delis do such a brisk company as habitancy are getting off work!

If you literally want to ensure that you are serving salutary meals for your family, you literally need to invent a schedule. By setting up a salutary eating agenda you are less likely to splurge on unhealthy fast food.

One of the best things you can do when organizing a salutary eating agenda is dispose to eat your meals at a set time each day. Try to contain two or three balanced meals per day in your schedule. Eating at regular intervals and as part of a agenda not only helps the body's hormonal law but you will find that you are digesting your food much best as well.

A well-balanced meal as part of a salutary eating agenda should contain the following components:

1. Protein

2. Carbohydrates

3. Fiber

It is leading that you plan the meals you will have each week as part of your salutary eating schedule. Sit down at the start of each week to plan your meals, make your shopping list, then only buy the foods on your list. You have your meals planned for the week and it is leading that you keep in mind the family's agenda and dispose salutary meals around that. For example, if one night the whole family has face activities, then dispose for everyone to sit down in the evening to something easy to prepare, such as soup and a sandwich.

The whole idea of having a salutary eating agenda is to ensure that you have a small salutary meal every 2 to 3 hours. It can be either a salutary sandwich, protein shake, fruit, salutary fats, or whole grains. Unfortunately our bodies have not been designed to suck in large portions of food all at once. It is much healthier to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals a day. This will help to keep your metabolism at a higher speed. A great benefit of that is that it makes it much easier to lose weight.

If you want to lead a much healthier life then ensure that you contain a salutary eating agenda into the equation. You will soon find that it becomes second nature to succeed it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Download Aptitude Questions and Answers PDF

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Identifying Dog Worms and their Symptoms

There are 5 separate types of dog worms (internal parasites), which your dog can fall prey to. These are: heartworm, hookworm, roundworm, tapeworm and whipworm. As a dog owner, I suggest that you educate yourself on these worms in order to be able to recognize the symptoms if they should become clear in your dog.

Early worm detection is leading because each type of dog worm requires a separate form of treatment. You should also be aware of the fact that roundworm and hookworm are zoonotic, which means that these worms can be transmitted to humans. Some worm infestations may show dinky to no symptoms, whereas others can demonstrate severe symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss. Some dog worms can be seen by the naked eye while some cannot, therefore it is a good idea to ask your vet to perform a stool test for dog worms once a year.

Below you can find a list of common telltale symptoms of dog worm infestation, but keep in mind that these symptoms can also be a sign of a more serious problem. Either way, all the time consult a veterinarian whenever your dog is not "his usual self."

  • Dull coat
  • Weight loss
  • Appetite loss
  • Pot-bellied appearance
  • Coughing
  • Low vigor level
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina)

There are two types of Roundworm: Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonine. This is the most common type of dog worm, which affects the intestines and causes a pot-bellied appearance, mostly in puppies. There are a few ways puppies can become infected. Puppies are often infected before birth straight through the mother's uterus or straight through her milk. Puppies can also contract these worms straight through the ingestion of an infected animal (such as a rodent) or infected soil. Roundworm eggs can live in soil for many years. Once a puppy has ingested the infected soil, the eggs will hatch in his intestines, allowing the worms to live there and grow to adulthood. These adults will then yield more eggs.

Roundworms may be found in your dog's stool or vomit. They can grow to about 7 inches in length and have a spaghetti-like appearance. If this type of infestation is not detected early and is allowed a opening to develop, a buildup of worms in the intestines can cause an obstruction which may supervene in death. The symptoms of a severe infestation are: pot-belly appearance, diarrhea, vomiting, dull coat and weight loss.

Puppies should be dewormed every 2 weeks in the middle of 2 and 12 weeks of age, then monthly until he is 6 months old. Once your puppy has reached 6 months of age, he is less susceptible to contracting these worms but should continue each year exams (or more often if thought about high-risk).

Because Roundworm can be transmitted to humans, it is leading to promote good hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly. Transmission of this dog worm to humans is commonly straight through infected soil, which may be in your backyard or front lawn. Because the eggs are sticky and can as a matter of fact adhere to hands or clothing, make sure children (and adults) wash their hands after playing exterior (especially at a park or playground), after playing with the dog and before it's time to eat.

Treatment generally involves administering oral medication (dewormer) with follow-up fecal exams and a monthly heartworm medication. Try 1-800-PetMeds - America's Pet condition Resource

Prevent your dog from contracting roundworms by cleaning up fecal matter from the backyard as often as possible. Also, administering a heartworm medication such as HeartGard - prescribe Heartworm medication for Dogs & Cats is a good preventive. Do not mix wormers and consult your vet before giving your dog any medication. And last, but not least, all the time remember each year exams.

Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninium)

Like Roundworm, Hookworm harbors in the intestines and can also be transmitted to humans. Hookworms can affect a dog at any age. It is a small, thin worm that hooks on to the intestinal wall and sucks the blood from its victim, which cause anemia and perhaps death. Due to their sharp teeth, they also cause bleeding in the intestines. Hookworms are not graphic by the naked eye, therefore should be diagnosed by a vet. As with roundworm, hookworms also live and grow to adulthood in the intestines. They can also be transmitted to pups while in the mother's uterus or straight through her breast milk. A dog infected with hookworm would feel bloody stool, anemia, weight loss, pale gums, diarrhea and low vigor level. Skin irritation can be a sign of a severe infestation.

Hookworms can be transmitted to humans by penetration of the skin, development it is inherent for citizen to become infected plainly by walking barefoot on infected soil. Hookworms, when transmitted to humans, can cause bleeding in the intestines along with abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Treatment commonly consists of oral medications (dewormer), follow-up fecal exams, intravenous therapy and, if necessary, a blood transfusion. Hookworm infestation can kill your pup before the worm is ever detected. This is why it is so leading to keep up with veterinary visits and exams.

Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum)

The tapeworm gets its name from its long, flat, tape-like appearance. It is yet other toady that affects the intestines, and like the roundworm, can be seen by the naked eye. Broke pieces of this dog worm would be found in the dog's fecal matter, which give it a rice-like appearance. These pieces of worm, although broken, can be found (still moving) colse to the dog's anus, in his stool or in his bed. common symptoms of severe tapeworm infestation are abdominal pain, nervousness, severe itching colse to the anus, vomiting and weight loss.

Transmission to dogs is often caused by the ingestion of infected fleas. Although, humans are susceptible to being infected, a dog cannot send the dog worm to a human directly.

Regular over-the-counter deworming medication is not sufficient in eliminating this type of dog worm. A prescribe dewormer is administered orally or by injection (praziquantel or epsiprantel). Consult your vet. Try 1-800-PetMeds - America's Pet condition Resource

Whipworms (Trichuris vulpis)

Whipworms are long, thin (whip-shaped) dog worms that live in the dog's colon and are not graphic by the naked eye. They attach themselves to the intestinal walls and feed off of them which, in turn, causes intestinal bleeding. common symptoms of whipworm infestation are anemia, weight loss, flatulence, diarrhea with blood or mucus in the stool and lack of energy.

Although whipworms are the most difficult to eliminate among the families of dog worms, there is sufficient treatment available.

Whipworm is most effectively treated with fenbendazole (panacur), but febantel can also be used. prescribe medications are commonly more effective. The treatment lasts for up to 5 days and is repeated after 3 weeks. After this treatment is finished, consult your vet about recommending a heartworm medication (containing milbemycin oxime) as a preventative to time to come infestation. Try 1-800-PetMeds - America's Pet condition Resource

Along with administering heartworm medication regularly, here are other ways to prevent reinfection:

  • Remove feces from backyard every few days
  • Clean yard with a safe cleaning agent (which kills worms)
  • Have feces tested every 6 months (more often if previously infected)

Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis)

Heartworm, although highly preventable, has the inherent to be fatal, if contracted and left untreated.

Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes, mostly while the warm months when mosquitoes are most active. The mosquito becomes infected from biting dogs that carry the disease. These dog worms destroy the muscle and tissue of the heart, which can cause congestive heart failure and supervene in death. At this developed stage, your dog would feel the typical signs of worms, such as pot-belly, coughing, lack of vigor and dull coat.

Unfortunately, there are no symptoms of this disease until it has progressed to an developed stage. For this reason, it is leading to start your dog on a heartworm preventative such as HeartGard - prescribe Heartworm medication for Dogs & Cats at 6 months of age (after the first stage deworming process is complete. Check with your vet). Stoppage is the best medicine.

General guidelines for dog worm prevention

  • When walking your dog in a park, picking up his feces as a standard practice not only prevents soil contamination, but also prevents the spread of many other dog diseases.
  • Regular visits to the vet and stool testing is a great way to prevent dog worms, as well as other illnesses. Twice-yearly worm testing is recommended. Make sure your dog is tested for worms before starting a heartworm preventative.
  • High-risk dogs should be screened more often (check with your vet).
  • Flea control is leading because fleas are responsible for the spread of tapeworms.
  • Most puppies find feces quite appetizing. Keep your dog away from feces: his own as well as others. This is the most common form of worm infestation.
  • When cleaning your dog's area, such as his bed or crate, spray it with a strong saltwater explication and let dry. This aids in the Stoppage of worms.
  • Before traveling with your dog to obscure destinations, consult your vet of the inherent risks to your dog.
  • Avoid exposing your dog to stray animals, birds and dead rodents, which often harbor juvenile tapeworms that can mature inside your dog.
  • Contact your vet if your dog displays any symptoms after receiving worm medication.

This data is Not intended to replace the guidance of a veterinarian, dog educator or pet care professional.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Advertising - precious information Or Vicious Manipulation?

Is advertising the greatest means to advise and help us in our everyday decision-making or is it just an excessively suited form of mass deception used by associates to persuade their prospects and customers to buy products and services they do not need? Consumers in the global hamlet are exposed to expanding amount of advertisement messages and spending for advertisements is expanding accordingly.

It will not be exaggerated if we conclude that we are 'soaked in this cultural rain of marketing communications' straight through Tv, press, cinema, Internet, etc. (Hackley and Kitchen, 1999). But if thirty years ago the marketing communication tools were used in general as a product-centered tactical means, now the promotional mix, and in single the advertising is focused on signs and semiotics. Some argue that the marketers' efforts ultimately are "turning the cheaper into symbol so that it means something to the consumer" (Williamson, cited in Anonymous, Marketing Communications, 2006: 569). One principal consequence is that many of the modern advertisements "are selling us ourselves" (ibid.)

The abovementioned process is influenced by the commoditisation of products and confusion of consumer's own perceptions of the companies' offering. In order to differentiate and position their products and/or services today's businesses employ advertising which is sometimes carefully not only of bad taste, but also as deliberately intrusive and manipulative. The issue of bad advertising is topical to such extent that organisations like Adbusters have embraced the tactics of subvertising - revealing the real intend behind the modern advertising. The Adbusters magazine editor-in-chief Kalle Lason commented on the corporate image construction communication activities of the big companies: "We know that oil associates aren't de facto cordial to nature, and tobacco associates don't de facto care about ethics" (Arnold, 2001). On the other hand, the "ethics and public accountability are prominent determinants of such long-term gains as survival, long-term profitability, and competitiveness of the organization" (Singhapakdi, 1999). Without communications strategy that revolves around ethics and public accountability the concepts of total quality and customer relationships construction become elusive. However, there could be no easy clear-cut ethics method of marketing communications.

Advertising - Prescious facts Or Vicious Manipulation?

In order to get insights into the buyer perception about the role of advertising we have reviewed a amount of articles and conducted four in-depth interviews. A amount of study papers reach opposed conclusions. These vary from the ones stating that "the ethicality of a firm's behavior is an prominent consideration during the buy decision" and that consumers "will bonus ethical behavior by a willingness to pay higher prices for that firm's product" (Creyer and Ross Jr., 1997) to others stressing that "although consumers may express a desire to keep ethical companies, and punish unethical companies, their actual buy behaviour often remains unaffected by ethical concerns" and that "price, quality and value outweigh ethical criteria in buyer buy behaviour" (Carrigan and Attalla, 2001). Focusing on the advertising as the most prominent marketing communication tool we have constructed and conducted an interview consisting of four themes and nine questions. The conceptual frame of this paper is built on these four themes.

Theme I. The Ethics in Advertising

The first theme comprises two first questions about the ethics in advertising in general.

I.A. How would you define the ethics in advertising?

The term ethics in enterprise involves "morality, organisational ethics and expert deontology" (Isaac, cited in Bergadaa', 2007). Every manufactures has its own guidelines for the ethical requirements. However, the principal four requirements for marketing communications are to be legal, decent, honest and truthful. Unfortunately, in a community where the procedure of activity of the associates is carefully by behalf targets the use of marketing communications messages "may constitute a form of public pollution straight through the potentially damaging and unintended effects it may have on buyer decision making" (Hackley and Kitchen, 1999).

One of the interviewed respondents stated that "the most flourishing associates do no need ethics in their activities because they have built empires." other view is that "sooner or later whoever is not ethical will face the negative consequences."

I.B. What is your perception of the point of ethics in advertising?

The second ask is about the point of being moral when communicating with/to your target audiences and the way consumers/customers view it. In separate study papers we have found quite opposing conclusions. Ethics of enterprise seems to be evaluated either as very prominent in the decision production process or as not de facto a serious factor in this process. An example of rather greatest stance is that "disaster awaits any brand that acts cynically" (Odell, 2007).

It may seem sure that the accountability should be carried by the advertiser because "his is the key accountability in retention advertising clean and decent" (Bernstein, 1951). On the other hand the companies' actions are defined by the "the canons of public accountability and good taste" (ibid.). One of the interviewees said:

"The only responsible for giving decent advertising is the one who profits at the end. Company's profits should not be at the cost of society."

Another one stated that "our culture and the level of societal awareness decide the good and bad in advertising".

The increased point of marketing communications ethics is underscored by the need of applying more dialogical, two-way communications approaches. The "demassification technologies have the potential to facilitate dialogue", but the "monologic" attitude is still the famed one (Botan, 1997). Arnold (2001) points out the cases of Monsanto and Esso which had to pay "a price for its [theirs] one-way communications strategy". In this train of concept we may divulge ethics in advertisements from two separate perspectives as recommend by our respondents and separate points of view in the reviewed papers. The first one is that it is imperative to have one coarse code of ethics imposed by the law. The other affirms the independence and accountability of every manufactures for setting its own standards.

Theme Ii. Which type of regulation should be the prominent one in the field of advertising?

The next theme directs the attention towards the regulation principles which should be the former one. Widely acceptable concept is that both self regulation and legal controls should work in synergy. In other words the codes of practice are meant to complement the laws. However, in sure countries there are stronger legal controls over the advertising, e.g. In Scandinavia. On the other hand the industry's self regulation is preferred in the Anglo-Saxon world. Still, not everyone agrees with the laissez-faire concept.

One of our respondents said:

"I believe governments should enforce stricter legal frame and harsher punishment for associates which do not comply with the law."

Needless to say, the public acceptability varies from one culture/country to another. At the end of the day "good taste or bad is largely a matter of the time, the place, and the individual" (Bernstein, 1951). It would be also probably impossible to set clear-cut detailed rules in the era of Internet and interactive Tv. Therefore, both types of regulation should be applied with the greatest aim of reaching balance between the sacred right of leisure of choice and facts and minimizing potential allembracing offence. Put differently, the goal is synchronising the "different ethical frameworks" of marketers and "others in society" in order to fill the "ethics gap" (Hunt and Vitell, 2006).

Theme Iii. Content of Advertisements.

Probably the most controversial issue in the field of marketing communications is the Content of advertisements. Nwachukwu et al. (1997) distinguish three areas of interest in terms of ethical judgment of ads: "individual autonomy, buyer sovereignty, and the nature of the product". The individual autonomy is concerned with advertising to children. buyer sovereignty deals with the level of knowledge and sophistication of the target audience whereas the ads for harmful products are in the centre of public concept for a long time. We have added two more perspectives to arrive at five questions in the conducted interviews. The first one concerns the advertisement that imply sense of guilt and praise affluence that in the most cases cannot be achieved and the second one is about advertisements stimulating desire and satisfaction straight through acquisition of material goods.

Iii.A. What is your attitude towards the advertisement of harmful products?

A typical example is the advertisement of cigarettes. Nowadays we cannot see slogans like "Camel Agrees with Your Throat" (Chickenhead, accessed 25th September 2007) or "Chesterfield - Packs More satisfaction - Because It's More Perfectly Packed!" (Chickenhead, accessed 25th September 2007). The general advertisement, sponsorship and other marketing communications means are already prohibited to be used by cigarette producers. Surprisingly, most of the answers of the respondents were not against the cigarettes advertisement. One of the respondents said:

"People are well informed about the consequences of smoking so it is a matter of personal choice."

As with many other modern products the shift in communications messages for cigarettes is oriented towards symbol and image building. The same can be said for the alcohol ads. A familiar example of emotional advertising is the Absolut Vodka campaign. From Absolut Nectar, straight through Absolut Fantasy to Absolut World the Swedish drink de facto aims to be Absolut... Everything.

Advertising of dangerous products is even more harshly criticised when it is aimed at audiences with low individual autonomy, i.e. Children. Two main issues in this respect are the manipulation of cigarettes and alcohol as "the rite of passage into adulthood" and the fact that "sales of health-hazardous products (alcohol, cigarettes) make freely without much disapproval" (Bergadaa, 2007).

Iii.B. What is your attitude towards the advertisement to children?

Children are not only customers, but also consumers, influencers and users in the family Decision-Making Unit (Dmu). Supplementary strangeness is that they are too impressionable to be deciders in the Dmu. At the same time it is not a secret that marketers apply "the same basic strategy of trying to sell the parent straight through the child's insistence on the purchase" (Bernstein, 1951). It is not a surprise then that "spending on advertising for children has increased five-fold in the last ten years and two thirds of commercials during child television programs are for food products" (Bergadaa 2007). In the Us alone children represent a direct purchases shop of billion worth (McNeal cited in Bergadaa, 2007) which de facto is on the top of the agendas of many companies. While exploiting children's decision-making immaturity advertisers often go too far in dematerialising their products and "teleporting children out of the tangible and into the virtual world of brand names" (Bergadaa 2007). Youthful virtual worlds like Habbo where snack food brands run advertising campaigns are already a fact of life (Goldie, 2007). The imaginative worlds are beloved not only online. Hugely flourishing for creating a fantasy world is Mc Donald's. The enterprise tops the European list of kids' advertisers while more than half of the children's adverts are for junk food.

In some countries there are harsher restrictions to the children advertising.

• "Sweden and Norway do not permit any television advertising to be directed towards children under 12 and no adverts at all are allowed during children's programmes.
• Australia does not allow advertisements during programmes for pre-school children.
• Austria does not permit advertising during children's programmes, and in the Flemish region of Belgium no advertising is permitted 5 minutes before or after programmes for children.
• Sponsorship of children's programmes is not permitted in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden while in Germany and the Netherlands, although it is allowed, it is not used in practice." (McSpotlight, accessed 20th September 2007).

According to a study by Roberts and Pettigrew (2007) the most frequent themes in children advertising are "grazing, the denigration of core foods, exaggerated health claims, and the implied quality of sure foods to improve popularity, performance and mood." But the junk food is not the only reckon for parents' preoccupation. Agreeing to a study of Kaiser family Foundation (Dolliver, 2007) parents are concerned about the amount of advertising of the following products (in order of importance): toys, video games, clothing, alcohol/beer, movies, etc.

The interviewed respondents were unanimous: "The advertising to children should be strictly monitored." Similar results were obtained in surveys by Rasmussen Reports and Kaiser family Foundation. Nevertheless, the legal means are just one part of the children's protection. The other part involves "the decision-making accountability of parents and teachers" which is "to assist their children in developing a skeptical attitude to the facts in advertising" (Bergadaa 2007). The marketers themselves should also be involved in shaping the moral principles of our hereafter and "each brand should have its own deontology - a code of practice with regard to children - rather than rely on manufactures codes" (Horgan, 2007).

Iii.C. Do you think there are many misleading, exaggerating and confusing advertisements. Are many ads promising things that are not potential to achieve?

It will not be exaggerated to state that advertising is in a sense "salesmanship addressed to masses of potential buyers rather than to one buyer at a time" (Bernstein, 1951). Since "salesmanship itself is persuasion" (ibid.) we cannot merely blame advertisers for pursuing their sales goals. However, in the last twenty years or so advertisers have increasingly applied semiotics in their messages and as a consequence ads have begun to function more and more as symbols. One greatest case in this stream of advertising is the creation of idealised image of a man who uses the advertised product. Bishop (2000) draws our attention to two "typical representatives of self-identity image ads" which entice consumers to project the respective images to themselves straight through use of the products:

- "The beautiful Woman";
- "The Sexy Teenagers.

Through setting of such stereotypes advertisers not only mislead the public and exaggerate the effects of products but also provoke low self-esteem in consumers. At the same time they promise results that in most cases are plainly impossible to achieve. Instead of promoting "'glamorous' anorexic body images" communication messages should use "varied body types" and should drop the idea of the "impossible corporeal body images" (Bishop, 2000).

To ask Iii.C one of the respondents commented:

"The customers of these products [the ones advertised straight through thin models] are mostly people who do not have the same corporeal characteristic. For me, this type of advertising is deliberately aimed at people to make them feel not complete, far from spellbinding public outsiders."

However, other interviewed stated that: "every man has his own way of evaluating what is believable and what is misleading. Consumers are sufficient sophisticated to know what is exaggerated."

Similarly, Bishop (2000) concludes that "image ads are not false or misleading", and "whether or not they advocate false values is a matter for subjective reflection." The author argues that image ads do not interfere with our internal autonomy and if people are misled, it is because they want it. It is all about our free choice of behaviour and no advertisement can modify our desires. Perhaps, the truth lies somewhere in-between the two greatest positions.

Iii.D. What is your attitude towards advertisement that imply sense of guilt, and praise affluence that in the most cases cannot be achieved?

A more definite case of controversial advertising is the one used to "promote not so much self indulgence as self doubt"; the one that "seeks to generate needs, not to fulfill them: to generate new anxieties instead of allaying old ones" (Hackley and Kitchen, 1999). A response of our interviewee reads:

"It is not only a matter of advertising. It has to do with the public inequality and the desire to possess what you can not."

Hackley and Kitchen (1999) refer to this unlikeness as to "when reality does not match the image of affluence and the ensue is a subjective feeling of dissonance". The issue could be elaborated Supplementary straight through the next question.

Iii.E. Are advertisements stimulating desire and satisfaction straight through acquisition of material goods moral?

We live in a community which is more or less marked by materialism. Advertisements are often blamed to fuel consumption which is assertedly prominent to happiness. The role of promoting satisfaction straight through acquisition of material goods has become so prominent that currently the "media products are characterised by relativism, irony, self referentiality and hedonism" (Hackley and Kitchen, 1999). Is the beloved saying "those who die with most toys win" de facto a motivator in consumers' behavior and could consumption be the cure of emotional dissonance? This seems to be the case provided a brand succeeds to enter in the evoked set of buyer choices. This new "kind of materialism" goes hand in hand with "the emergence of individualism via sheer hedonism along with narcissism and selfishness" (Bergadaa 2007).

Theme Iv. Is the quantity of advertisements justified?

Iv.A. Do you think there is too much advertising?

An audit of food advertising aimed at children in Australia by Roberts and Pettigrew (2007) revealed that "28.5 hours of children's television programming sampled contained 950 advertisements." Actually, we all are being bombarded by ads on Tv, Internet, print media, etc. The amount and Content of marketing communications messages puts the consumer's facts processing capacity to a test. The exposure to marketing data overload often leads to diluted consumer's selective perception. either our responses are circumscribed by "confusion, existential despair, and loss of moral identity" or we "adapt constructively to the [communications] Leviathan and become intelligent, cynical, streetwise" (Hackley and Kitchen, 1999) is a ask open to debate.

Two opposite streams of attitudes were produced in our research. One stance is concerned with the undue quantity of advertisement. The other stream proclaims that "If there is an advertisement, so it is justified by a need." We agree that the communications overload may de facto have "pervasive ensue on the public ecology of the developed world" (Hackley and Kitchen, 1999). If the expanding communication pollution is not managed properly by both legal and manufactures points of view yet again the advertising will carry on "to hoist its foot to its own mouth and kick out a concentrate of its own front teeth" (Bernstein, 1951).


In preparing of this paper we have used qualitative depth interviews in order to get insights for what actual customers opine. We have also substantiated our presentation with references to a amount of influential articles in the field of ethics in marketing communications. Generally, our respondents as well as various authors have taken two opposing stances. The first one affirms that ethics in marketing communications matters considerably, whereas the other one downsizes the point of ethics, thereby stressing the role of other factors in buyer decision-making, i.e. Price, brand loyalty, convenience, etc.

Marketers should understand their "responsibility for the emerging portrait of hereafter society" (Bergadaa 2007). Not only there is a need of legal ethical frame but also expert ethical benchmarks and deontology should be in place. One of the main challenges is to avoid creating "a happy customer in the short term", because "in the long run both buyer and community may suffer as a direct ensue of the marketer's actions in 'satisfying' the consumer" (Carrigan and Attalla, 2001).

The drive of the advertisement influence exerted on consumers is only one part of the equation. On the other hand we may affirm that consumers are not morally subservient and Agreeing to the facts process models there is a natural cognitive defense. The communications tools "offer us a theatre of our own imagination" (Hackley and Kitchen, 1999). Consequently, we accept the reality in terms of our own experiences. In this sense marketers do not generate reality - they are plainly a mirror of the society. We may argue that unfortunately this is not always the case.

Advertising is often deservedly seen as the embodiment of buyer leisure and choice. Notwithstanding this prominent role, when the choice is "between one candy bar and another, the newest savoury snack or sweetened breakfast cereal or fast food restaurant" (McSpotlight, accessed 20th September 2007) it represents whatever else but not an alternative and de facto not a healthy one.

The words of Bernstein (1951), said fifty-six years ago are still very much a ask of gift interest: "It is not true that if we 'save advertising, we save all,' but it seems inexpensive to assume that if we do not save advertising, we might lose all."

Anonymous (2006). Module Book 6, Marketing Communications, University of Leicester.

Arnold, M. (2001). Walking the Ethical Tightrope (Marketing Corporate public Responsibility), Marketing, 7/12/1001, p. 17.

Bergadaa M. (2007). Children and Business: Pluralistic Ethics of Marketers, community and enterprise Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 53-73.

Bernstein, S. R. (1951). Good Taste in Advertising, Harvard enterprise Review, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 42-50.

Bishop, J. D. (2000). Is Self-Identity Image Advertising Ethical?, enterprise Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 371-398.

Botan, C. (1997). Ethics in Strategic communication Campaigns: The Case for a New arrival to public Relations, Journal of enterprise Communication, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 188-202.

Carrigan, M. And Attalla, A. (2001). The Myth of the Ethical buyer - Do Ethics Matter in buy Behaviour?, Journal of buyer Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 560-577.

Chickenhead, 'Truth in advertising'. Online. Available at: (accessed 25th September 2007).

Chickenhead, 'Truth in advertising'. Online. Available at: (accessed 25th September 2007).

Creyer, E. H. And Ross Jr. W. T. (1997). The influence of Firm Behavior on buy Intention: Do Consumers de facto Care About enterprise Ethics?, Journal of buyer Marketing, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 421-432.

Dolliver, M. (2007). A Parental Dim View of Advertising, Adweek, Vol. 48, No. 26, pp. 25.

Goldie, L. (2007). Brands Free To Use Virtual Worlds To Target Kids, New Media Age, 8/9/2007, p. 2.

Hackley, C. E. And Kitchen P. J. (1999). Ethical Perspectives on the Postmodern Communications Leviathan, Journal of enterprise Ethics, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 15-26.

Horgan, S. (2007). Online Brands Need Their Own Ethical Guidelines, Marketing Week, Vol. 30, No. 26, p. 30.

Hunt, S. D. And Vitell, S. J. (2006). The general principles of Marketing Ethics: A correction and Three Questions, Journal of Macromarketing; Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 143-153.

McSpotlight, 'Advertising to children, Uk the worst in Europe' Online. Available at:, (accessed 20th September 2007).

Nwachukwu, S.L.S, Vitell, Jr. S.J., Gilbert, F.W., Barnes, James H. (1997). Ethics and public accountability in Marketing: An exam of the Ethical assessment of Advertising Strategies, Journal of enterprise Research, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 107-118.

Odell, P. (2007). Marketing under the Influence, Promo, Vol. 20, No. 6, p. 27.

Roberts, M. And Pettigrew, S. (2007). A Thematic Content determination of Children's Food Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 357-367.

Singhapakdi, A. (1999). Perceived point of Ethics and Ethical Decisions in Marketing,
Journal of enterprise Research, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 89-99.

Stanford University, 'Alcoholic Advertisements'. Online. Available at:, (accessed 20th September 2007).

Vintage Virginia Slims, Online. Available at:, (accessed 25th September 2007).

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kinesthetic Vocabulary Activities Accelerate learning for Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners or those with Adhd or Add who are kinesthetic learners often struggle with studying vocabulary because it is traditionally taught in an auditory or visual way. Kinesthetic learners learn vocabulary and reading comprehension using different methods and activities from those with other studying styles, such as auditory, tactile, or visual learners. Students with a right-brain preference also learn differently from those with a left-brain preference. If former methods of studying vocabulary words do not work for your kinesthetic child, it could be that the teaching strategies do not match your kinesthetic child's best and fastest method of learning.

Kinesthetic vocabulary lessons and activities can accelerate and heighten your child's vocabulary and reading comprehension. In a ten-year study of school districts that were failing because they fell below state standards on state reading tests, finding each student's Superlink, or aggregate of studying style and brain hemispheric preference, and then teaching them reading skills through their best Superlinks method has raised these schools to meet or exceed state standards within six to eight months. Included were kinesthetic methods of studying vocabulary for kinesthetic learners. These worked for students in elementary, middle, and high school.

Why do kinesthetic vocabulary techniques work for kinesthetic learners? former methods involve using finding at a vocabulary book which lists new words and their meanings or reading the words aloud. They may also include writing exercises in which one fills in the blank in sentences with the precise word. These techniques are visual, auditory, and tactile, and predominantly left-brain in their strategies. This puts kinesthetic learners and right-brain learners at a disadvantage because their best Superlinks style is not being used.

For thirty-eight years I have industrialized an whole pre-K-12 and college reading curriculum, together with kinesthetic vocabulary activities. These have accelerated the speed at which kinesthetic learners can learn new words in a fun, inspiring way.

Here are two activities out of my new ebook on kinesthetic vocabulary activities your child will love.

Kinesthetic Vocabulary Charades: Help your child make a list of words and their definitions. Take turns with your kinesthetic child selecting a word and acting it out silently, so the other can guess which word is being dramatized. If you go first, take a word, act it out, and have your child guess which word you are acting out. Then have your child take a word and act it out, and you guess the meaning. Points can be awarded for each precise guess.

Kinesthetic Invent-a-Word: Have your kinesthetic child combine roots, prefixes, and suffixes to organize new words and write the meanings of each.

For example:

aquascope: a machine to see water

astrocycle: a bike to ride in space.

Have your child write the word on large flip chart paper while standing up or stretched out on the floor. Have your child act out the word.

For other fun and inspiring kinesthetic vocabulary activities, tested and proven to make a divergence for any kinesthetic pupil from grades pre-K-12, then Kinesthetic Vocabulary Activities Your Child Will Love: In Just 27 Days heighten Your Kinesthetic Child's Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension will give you many ideas to heighten vocabulary and reading comprehension.

Why wait for an foremost test, such as standardized reading tests, state reading test, or the Sat or Act for college preparation, in which your kinesthetic child only has a few days to cram thousands of words into his or her brain? Start today and give your child the competitive edge to have great reading comprehension and a great vocabulary to ensue in reading or in any content area field or on tests.

End your disappointment by helping your kinesthetic child quickly learn vocabulary and reading comprehension in his or her best and fastest way through kinesthetic vocabulary strategies. I also invite you to passage my free checklist to see if your child who may have been diagnosed or misdiagnosed with Adhd or Add or who could be a kinesthetic pupil could advantage from kinesthetic vocabulary strategies at for the free checklist. Your child may also enjoy studying phonics in a kinesthetic way using Off the Wall Phonics, fun games to learn and heighten reading. When you teach your child reading in a kinesthetic way, the revising is dramatic.

The 5 Best Cell Phones on the store

There are well hundreds of cell phones out there made by dozens of manufacturers. It is hard to resolve which are the best of the group - or at least, which is best for you. The decision is a difficult one, and we hope the information below will help you make a wise choice. The five cell phones listed below are truely the best of the best in terms of quality design, dependability, and allinclusive user satisfaction. Although there are a lot of great cell phones out there, we are sure that these are some of the very best.

Motorola i860 Video and Camera mobile Phone

Manufacturers Description: The sleek Motorola i860 is packed with more than a dozen top-of-the-line features along with 10-second video capture and playback and a 0.3-megapixel camera with 4X digital zoom. In addition, it allows users to well change digital photos and perceive information with others.

”The Motorola i860 handset is someone else example of how Motorola strives to meet our customers’ needs by offering one mobile gismo to streamline communications," said Rey More, senior vice president and normal manager, Motorola’s iDen® Subscriber Group. “Its multimedia services enable users to well capture the moment when it happens and share it with others, wherever they may be.”

The phone’s 10-second video capture quality includes a short-range Led spotlight to contribute added light for close-up pictures. The camera allows users to take pictures in a collection of sizes favorable for sharing, in-camera viewing, wallpaper designs, and picture caller Id. Users can get themselves in the picture using the self-timer.

With the Motorola i860, users can share their pictures and audio recordings by sending and receiving multimedia messages.1 The phone’s integrated Media center allows users to favorably administrate all pictures, voice recordings, ring tones, videos, and wallpaper designs from a singular area.

Other features of the Motorola i860 that are new to iDen handsets include:

Picture Caller Id - allows a previously-assigned picture of a caller to appear in the external display when a phone call is incoming from that contact

Larger external color screen - displays up to 3 lines of text and pictures

Larger internal color screen - displays up to 11 lines of text in vibrant color

Push-to-Send My Info2 - allows users to send their perceive information via the “push-to-talk” (Ptt) button. Users can limit the amount of information sent or send a virtual firm card to network more efficiently.

Push-to-Send Contacts2 - allows users to well share someone else user’s perceive information via the Ptt button

Media Downloader application – available for download from the Internet, this free application allows users to change photos and videos from their phone to their Pc via a Usb cable (not included)

25 Mb of memory available to end users - for ring tones, voice recordings, videos, pictures, messages, wallpaper designs, and Java™ applications

Mp3 ring tones - along with music and voice

Openwave 7.0 Internet microbrowser - lets users browse graphic-rich xHtml sites

Push-to-open button - offers convenient, one-handed operation of the flip-style phone by mechanically opening the flip when pressed

The phone also has many of the features associated with Motorola’s iDen technology, along with location-based services, integrated speakerphone, voice recorder3, voice dialing, downloadable applications, and a two-way radio for instant communication at the touch of a button.

The Motorola i860 handset weighs 4.77 ounces and measures 3.45 x 1.96 x 1.01 inches with the included high operation battery.

Overall Value Rating: 9.7 / 10 - Excellent

Price: 0 - 0

Nokia 6230 Cell Phone (Cingular)

Manufacturers Description: offering the best and latest technology and features, the Nokia 6230 meets the requirements of the most demanding mobile phone users. The tri-band (Gsm, Gprs, Edge 900/1800/1900, Gsm, Gprs, Edge 850/1800/1900) mobile phone offers multiple connectivity options via Edge and Bluetooth wireless technology, a movable multimedia memory card as well as an integrated Vga camera to capture pictures and videos. Sleek and compact, the Nokia 6230 is staggering to start shipping in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific and Americas in the first quarter of 2004.

"Traditionally, mobile professional are early adopters of mobile technology, demanding industrialized functionality and higher data speeds to keep them informed, entertained and associated while on the move," said Kai Öistämö," Senior Vice President, Nokia mobile Phones. "With Edge, Bluetooth technology, an integrated camera, Mms functionality and even an integrated Mp3 player, the Nokia 6230 addresses these needs with an impressive range of features to help balance a busy work program with after-work responsibilities."

One of the key benefits of the Nokia 6230 is a compelling multimedia experience. With an integrated Vga camera and a display with 65,000 colors, pictures and videos taken with the Nokia 6230 appear sharp and bright. The video player adds the quality to record, send and receive video clips with audio, as well as receive streaming video article in 3Gpp video streaming format. High quality video and images, voice, presentations, files and music can be stored on a movable multimedia memory card. Users can also create, send and receive multpicture, multimedia messages with Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (Smil) technology. Smil technology allows users to organize multi-image messages that display text, sound and images in a pre-determined order.

For flexible and sufficient wireless connectivity, the Nokia 6230 phone offers Bluetooth wireless technology and infrared connectivity as well as Hscsd and Gprs support. Bluetooth enables a wide range of new intelligent enhancements for seamless connections and comfortable wearability, like the Nokia 610 car kit phone and the beloved Wireless Boom Headset also announced today. The perfect list of Bluetooth enhancements compatible with the Nokia 6230 can be viewed at [].

Using the high-speed packet-based Edge connectivity of the Nokia 6230, firm professionals can enjoy faster browsing, messaging and downloading. With a downlink data speed of up to 236.6 kbps, downloading with the Nokia 6230 via Edge enables downloads more than 4 times faster than with Gprs.

In addition, the Nokia 6230 has a mobile email client that lets users administrate their email quickly over Edge, Gprs and Hscsd networks. The industrialized xHtml browser gives fast access to mobile services and information, and the integrated Tcp/Ip technology** enhances both the ease and speed of over-the-air file downloads. Data synchronization quality allows users of the Nokia 6230 to update personal data remotely over the network. Local synchronization of personal data can also be done via Bluetooth, IrDa, Usb and the Nokia Pc Suite.

With the presence-enhanced contacts service, users of the Nokia 6230 can share their availability, intentions and whereabouts with colleagues, family, friends and other contacts. For example, a firm professional can turn his phone profile to 'Meeting' and advise his colleagues to reach him by Sms or Mms. Exchanging instant text messages is someone else intelligent possibility with the presence-enhanced Chat function, where users of the Nokia 6230 can create their own underground chats and ask others to participate, or even join social chats of their interest.

The Nokia 6230 also includes a digital music player for Aac/Mp3 music formats. In expanding to enjoying high quality stereo music, music enthusiasts can set their favourite music as wake-up tones as well as alert and ring tones.

Key features include:

Active Tft color display - with up to 65.536 colours

Integrated digital Vga camera

High speed packet-based Edge and Gprs connectivity


Digital camcorder and video player

Video streaming along with Amr audio

Mmc Multimedia card support

Java Midp 2.0

Presence-enhanced contacts and chat

Mp3/Aac music player and built-in Fm stereo radio

xHtml browser for enhanced mobile browsing experience

Advanced Pim functionality (calendar, phonebook, to-do list, notes)

Oma Digital possession management version 1.0

Mobile Wallet

Integrated hands-free speaker

Polyphonic ring tones (supporting up to 24 instruments)

Infrared, Usb, Pc Suite

76 cc, weighs 97 grams

Talk time of up to 5 hours and a standby time of up to 300 hours.

Overall Value Rating: 9.6 / 10 - Excellent

Price: 0 - 0

Motorola A630 Cell Phone (T-Mobile)

Manufacturers Description: Following in the footsteps of the game-changing Motorola StarTac and the company’s revolutionary two-way pagers, the model A630 is yet someone else innovative new goods from Motorola. Packaged in a unique, multi- functional organize featuring a Qwerty keyboard underground inside a sleek candy bar form, the Motorola A630 lets you call, text or email with style and ease.

From the outside, you see a fashionable, contract mobile handset. Once opened, the gismo reveals a full Qwerty keyboard that makes texting, email exchanges and Instant Messaging easy. The A630 does not stop there. For multi-media fun, the handset comes with an integrated camera with 4 x zoom, multi-media messaging for sending and sharing images, dedicated gaming keys and a vivid color display that offers portrait as well as scenery views. When its time to be productive, the A630 offers integrated Bluetooth® wireless technology, an office quality speakerphone and email retain along with Pop3, Smtp and Imap4. The Motorola A630’s fusion of the mobile and messaging worlds without sacrificing weight, size or style makes it the ideal gismo for today's text-savvy trendsetting consumer.

With the debut of the model A630, Motorola delivers a uniquely designed handset that stands apart from the pack, promising simplified voice and messaging communications supported by the latest technology,” said James Burke, Sr. Director of goods Operations for Motorola, Inc. “With its clever mixture of fun and function, the model A630 is sure to please style-conscious movers and shakers."

The Motorola A630 features include:

Full Qwerty keyboard with 5-way navigation for easy messaging, fun gaming and more

Integrated Vga camera with dedicated photo button for quick shoot and send power

220 x 176 pixel color scenery display capable of supporting up to 65,000 colors

Built-in Bluetooth wireless technology

Advanced messaging along with Multi-Media Messaging assistance (Mms), Sms, e-mail retain (Pop3, Smtp, Imap4) and multibranded Im (Instant Messaging)

Gsm tri-band capabilities

J2Me™ downloading functionality

Integrated hands-free speakerphone

Polyphonic speaker for the extreme sound and cool Mp3 ringtones

Overall Value Rating: 9.3 / 10 - Very Good

Price: 0 - 0

Samsung p735 Cell Phone (T-Mobile)

Manufacturers Description: Featuring a holder of organize and multimedia features, the imaginative p735 is Samsung's first Gsm megapixel camera phone in the U.S. With options that entertain, enrich and heighten a consumer's wireless experience, the p735 boasts an eye-catching twist and flip display and industrialized multimedia technology, along with a megapixel camera phone, video recorder, Mp3 player and expandable memory.

The phone's inescapable highlight is a swivel form factor that allows the buyer to twist the display so that the vibrant 262,000-color screen rotates to a horizontal position, giving the phone a more camcorder-like feel and manufacture picture taking and video recording easier. And with a megapixel camera, film-quality pictures can be stored and printed at sizes up to 4x6.

For moments such as upcoming holiday gatherings that require more than a quick snapshot, the video recorder is practical and convenient, and video and pictures can be shared wirelessly via T-Mobile's messaging services. While the phone's 64Mb of internal memory provides space for pictures and video, the p735 comes with an Rs Mmc media slot and added 32Mb multimedia card so no moment is ever missed. In addition, the expandable memory slot offers space for easy and quick access to added applications and games.

For those that still have the gamer in them but are too busy to play at home, the p735 acts as a gaming gismo with access to 3D games, along with Metalion and Zio Golf. For music download addicts, the p735 comes qualified with a personal Mp3 player, so downloading, playing and sorting music wirelessly becomes a convenience, not a hassle. Sounds come in clear with T-Mobile's HiFi Ringers and the device's pre-packaged headset provides a heightened auditory experience.

The p735 will turn the way consumers view their wireless phone” said Peter Skarzynski, senior vice president of Samsung's wireless division. Either using the phone to download and listen to music, or snapping pictures and video clips to send back to the office while on a firm trip, the p735 will heighten consumers' digital lifestyle.

This is a truly fun phone” said Todd Achilles, director of handset goods management for T-Mobile Usa. “From the intelligent screen, to cool swivel design, and Mp3 player to the megapixel camera, there's a lot to keep you entertained”


Integrated MegaPixel Digital Camera - Take pictures on the go. Enjoy one megapixel pictures plus digital zoom, multishot, and more.
Rs Mmc Media Slot - Add memory, applications, and store photos with a memory card.

Mp3 Player - Download, play and sort your popular tunes to listen to on your phone.

262 Tft Main Color Display - Makes all things come to life on your phone along with photos, picture caller Id, and more.
Video Messaging - description up to 15 second clips with sound and send them to other compatible phones.

Overall Value Rating: 9.0 / 10 - Very Cool

Price: 0 - 0

Lg Vx4600 Cell Phone (Verizon Wireless)

Manufacturers Description: The intelligent Vx4600 is the exquisite mobile phone for consumers who are finding to express themselves with high-end quality, style and essential functionality. Its ultra-cool clamshell design, high-resolution internal color display, and innovative external Oel (Organic Electro-Luminescent) screen make an undeniable statement of style.

Basic Information:

Talk time: 200 minutes Standby time: 165 hours Size: 3.43H x 1.81W x 0.98D inches Weight: 3.38 oz

Basic Features:

1.9 Ghz Pcs, 800 Mhz Cdma (All Digital)

Enhanced Messaging assistance (Ems) to send and receive text messages with graphics and sound

E911 accident Location-capable

2.5mm headset jack to accept universal hands-free headsets

65K Tfd Main Color Display (120 x 160) 8 lines of Text

Oel Sub Display (96 x 38) 3 lines of Text

Blue Backlit Keypad

5-Way navigation Key

Cmx Midi (musical instrument and games digital interface) for sounds and ringers

Large Phone Book: 499 contacts (each market 5 numbers and 3 email addresses)

36 Embedded Ring Tones and download more

Vibrate and Silent Modes

Voice-Activated Dialing

Speed Dialing (99 Entries)

Bilingual (English and Spanish) capabilities

Personal Organizer: Calendar with Scheduler, Alarm Clock, Voice Memo, Notepad, Ez Tip Calculator, Calculator and World Clock

External Usb Capable

1-Year dinky warranty

Meets Fcc Sar limit. Manufacturer's highest Fcc reported Sar 1.22 at ear, .74 on body. Actual Sar may vary.

Overall Value Rating: 8.8 / 10

Price: 0 - 0